Dog Walking Accessories to Make Your Walks Even Better
You can never have enough dog walking accessories. From ball flingers to treat pouches, owners are spoiled for choice.
But there’s a lot that you don’t need and you could end up spending money unnecessarily.
So in this guide, we discuss what every dog walker needs. We go over examples of some essential dog walking accessories, and take a look at ladies’ accessories in particular.
And lastly, we’ll show you some of the cool accessories for your dog that you can find here on Dog Charmed.
What Does Every Dog Walker Need?
If you’re new to owning a dog, you might not realise the range of things you need when it comes to taking them for a walk.
A good lead and collar are a must. Make sure they’re both made of strong material, such as the nylon webbing we use here at Dog Charmed, otherwise you’ll only have to buy replacements.
Also essential are dog waste bags. Near enough everywhere in the UK nowadays impose hefty fines on people who fail to pick up their dog’s waste—as much as £75 in some cases. So to avoid that outcome, always carry at least a couple of dog waste bags on you.
It’s possible to get plastic carriers for your roll of bags that you can attach to your lead. This way, you can never forget!
If you’re going on a long walk or if you expect the weather to be warm, always bring some water along for your dog. You can get special bottles that double up as a water bowl, as well as collapsable bowls for easy packing.
Last of all, don’t forget dog treats. All dogs love a treat and it’s a great way to reward them if they behave well on their walk. It’s also a great way to reinforce that positive behaviour. Even if your dog is on a diet you can get low-fat treats. And there are also hypoallergenic treats for those who may have allergies.
Examples Of Dog Walking Accessories
We’ve covered a few essential dog walking accessories above, but here we wanted to share with you some of the quirkier and unexpected ones:
- Dog Poop Pickup Tool – if you’re a complete germaphobe, you may recoil at the prospect of picking up your dog’s waste. If so, you may be glad to hear that there’s such a thing as a dog poop pickup tool. It works like a clamp with a set of rounded teeth that enables you to pick up all types of poop, from hard to runny. The only downside is you have to clean it!
- Pet First Aid Kit – if you’re someone who likes to take your dog on adventures, a pet first aid kit could come in handy. If your dog gets a thorn stuck in their paw on top of a hill, having a small first aid pouch with a set of tweezers and disinfectant can save the day.
- Dog Jackets – depending on your dog’s breed, a jacket may be an essential item. Whippets, for example, don’t have long coats to keep them warm so feel cold enough to shiver when they’re out walking in autumn and winter.
- Dog Backpack – this style of harness, made by K9, doubles up as a doggy backpack. If your dog can’t walk alongside you, you can lift them up and attach them, allowing you to carry them along.
There are so many more dog walking accessories out there and a quick search on the web will leave you with more options than you can make sense of.
Don’t forget, we have a broad selection of accessories for dogs here at Dog Charmed. Below, you can find some of our most popular ones!
And for more, just click here to visit Luna’s Pack to learn all about the best brands of dog food, like Tails, including reviews of a variety of treats, and tips on feeding different breeds.
Ladies Dog Walking Accessories
There’s a wide selection of cool dog walking accessories for ladies, mainly with a shift in focus on design.
Some designs of accessories offer female-based slogans such as “Fairy Dogmother” or “Dog Mama”. Others focus more on colours and branding.
You can learn more about dog walking accessories over at Luna’s Pack.
Where To Buy Dog Walking Accessories
If you’re looking for some quirky and funny dog walking accessories, then you’ve come to the right place.
Here at Dog Charmed, we have a wide range of handcrafted bandanas, leads and collars, and designs themed around Christmas and Halloween. We can also make personalised items to order for that special pooch of yours.
Below you can find some of our most popular products:

22 Ways Dogs Make Humans Healthier
Dogs are adorable and they are loyal buddies. You will love them even more once you learned their positive effects in your health. These health benefits are backed by science so you can be sure that they are proven. Plus, if you’re single, your pet can also help lead you in finding your true love!
One of the health benefits of having a dog is lower blood pressure. According to a study made, those who mingled with dogs had lower blood pressure compared to those who didn’t have interaction, even on stressful situations. Another one is a healthier heart. Statistics say that there are fewer pet owners who die from heart attack and those who suffer from cardiac arrest usually recover faster.
It’s a misconception that dogs can cause allergies to kids because based on studies, many kids who grew up around dogs didn’t develop allergies. These cute pets are also stress relievers. They can help enhance the mood, lowering the chemicals that cause bad mood and releasing those that create good mood.
How can it benefit your love life? There are dating sites that cater to singles who are looking to date other pet owners too. Plus, it will be easier to socialize, especially with those who share the common love for dogs.
To help you understand better the health benefits of having a dog, see the infographics below that will tell you more about this topic. See our informative and fantastic looking illustration that every pet owner will find interesting:

Introducing Mabel!
It’s a well known fact that there’s no point in having your own dog accessories business without having a dog to model them for you!
This is the point that we at Dog Charmed DQ (Dogquarters) would like you to meet Miss Mabel Doodle.
Mabel is Allison’s gorgeous Miniature Labradoodle, and yes, we are using the term ‘miniature’ VERY loosely!
She is always wearing Dog Charmed, whether it’s a sun cap…
…or a cheeky attach to collar bandana!
We decided the best way to get to know her would be with a little questionnaire, Miss World Style….
NAME: Mabel Doodle.
AGE: 21 months old.
NICKNAMES: Mabes, Mabeline. I will also answer to Alfie who is my 6 year old human brother, as well as Alfiemabel and also Mabelalfiemabel. Mum is easily confused!
LIKES: Mud, water, muddy water, snow, snow with mud underneath.
DISLIKES: Dogs that won’t play with me in the park, smelling like a Princess.
FAVOURITE FOOD: Socks, tennis balls and I can smell a bagel from a mile away.
BEST FRIEND: Nero the Basenji.
FAVOURITE PLACE: The park or under my mum’s feet.
BEST TRICK: I can ignore you without flinching. I can also strip and eat a tennis ball in 7 seconds.
AMBITION: To lie down in every puddle in the park in a single walk.